The JEF engages the foremost business, political leaders of society to promote and advance business cooperation among individuals, corporations and countries.
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The Jewish Economic Forum (JEF) is a non-profit, NGO, organization that aims to
connect the Jewish Business Community with the business world.

The JEF strives in all our efforts to promote progress, entrepreneurship and growth
through the exchange of ideas, information and knowledge.
Tel Aviv Skyline
Services and Initiatives
JEF's events provide an occasion where regional and local business leaders can meet and confront on main business, social and political topics as well as improve their business ties
JEF's Corporate Embassy Program assists international companies to expand and strengthen their presence in Israel in a fast and effective way
Hosting business delegation is critical to empower and widen JEF's network. Israel is a highly recommended location for all the companies and professionals who are interested in innovation
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